Annual Reports

The Executive Director prepares an annual report of all of the ECNCI activity for the year. Check out all that has been accomplished by reading the report.

Community Plans

It’s easier to accomplish a goal if you have a plan. ECNCI works with our partner agencies and the communities that we serve to develop a community plan to guide our work. Check out the most current plan here.

Meeting Schedule 2024-2025


August 26th, 2024
Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Bancroft City Hall

September 23, 2024

Finance Meeting @ 9:00am
Board Meeting @ 10:00pa

Program Reports: Emmet County Public Healthy Beginnings, Kossuth GHK, Mid-Sioux Opportunity-CCRR, NIACO/Mental Health.

Bancroft City Hall

October 28th, 2024

Advisory Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Bancroft City Hall


November 25, 2024

Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Program Reports: Kossuth County Care Team/ Loving Hands Nursery, KIDS, Child Care Nurse Consultant, and I Smiles & Winnebago County

Bancroft City Hall

January 27, 2025

Finance Meeting @ 9:00 am
Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Bancroft City Hall

February 27, 2025

Board Retreat & Development @ 10:00 am
Bancroft City Hall


March 24, 2025

Finance Meeting @ 9:00 am
Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Program Reports: Emmet County Public Healthy Beginnings, Kossuth GHK, Mid-Sioux Opportunities-CCRR, NIACO/Mental Health

Bancroft City Hall

April 28, 2025

Advisory Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Bancroft City Hall

May 19, 2025

Finance Meeting @ 9:00 am

Board Meeting @ 10:00 am

Program Reports: Kossuth County Care Team/ Loving Hands Nursery, Mid Sioux Opp- Child Care Nurse Consultant, & Winnebago County and I Smiles/Cherokee Co.

Bancroft City Hall

June 23, 2025

Board Meeting @ 10:00 am
Bancroft City Hall